Jan 11, 2021 | Business Tip of the Day
Zoom tip of the day: Does it drive you nuts that every time someone shares their screen you’re thrown into full screen mode whether you want it or not? You can control that now. (1) On the zoom login screen (shown right), go to the Settings gear icon. (2) Choose...
Aug 10, 2020 | Business Tip of the Day
Use two ring lights, one on either side of your webcam, to brightly light your face evenly on both sides. With two 18″ USB extension cords that I run to them, I never have to recharge them (though I can if I want to take them to my laptop away from a plug). I...
Jul 18, 2020 | Videos about Milo's Work
In my last post, I shared that − in getting my Certified Virtual Speaker qualification this week, they required me to make a video talking about myself as a virtual speaker. Here’s that video without having to cut/paste a URL.