“Is it Training? Coaching? Consulting? What if NONE of those are the right approach?” – May 2024 Article by Milo Shapiro Sometimes, it's just not easy to make it clear what we do for people. Recently, a company just south of San Diego contacted me to ask me to run a public speaking skills class for sixteen of their top managers. I asked the cause for the...
What do people who’ve GOTTEN public speaking skills coaching say about it?
Five tips for TEDx Speakers…that totally apply to NON-TEDx Speakers! – Feb 2024 Article by Milo Shapiro
“What Makes a TEDx Talk Work…and Can I Benefit from Knowing?” – March 2024 Article by Milo
Recently, I was interviewed for an article for on tips for TEDx speakers to be more effective. I needed to make it clear to Yitzi Weiner, the article author, that I didn't see TEDx tips as being much different from any other speaking endeavor other than...
“…’Cuz Tonight We’re Gonna Listen Like It’s 1929!” − Milo’s Jan 2024 article
Okay, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously...other than the missing cell phone attached to her head and maybe a nose ring on the last one, do the '90s look particularly different from the 2020s? When I think of the '40s to the '80s, they all seem so...
What If Santa Were A Lousy Speaker? Dec 2023 article
Twas the day before Christmas and ‘cross the North Pole All the elves were just dreading, deep down in their soul, The upcoming program for which they would stand And listen to Santa, as always was planned... What happens when Santa speaks? Oy! Milo tells you in...
How Short CAN You Tell That Story? – Nov 2023 article
Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a compelling story in only six words. He returned with this chilling tale that says so much with so little: "FOR SALE: Baby Shoes. Never worn." All of the sadness − everything that those parents endured − is conveyed in...
What Jimmy Buffet Teaches Us About Authenticity
People frequently comment to me about how every speaker needs to be their “authentic self” and they expect me to immediately agree. Then they are surprised to notice the pause I take before answering. Let me share a story about the late great Jimmy Buffett. While I...
“Why is the mirror NOT our friend, when it comes to speaking?”
For generations, practicing speaking in the mirror has been a staple of corporate training, sitcom moments, and speaking class advertising. It even reared its head in the final episodes of "This Is Us," as Kevin practiced a speech. The instinct to give yourself...
“My Q&A ruined my speech!”
"I was doing so well, using so much of what we rehearsed, Milo. Then we got to Q&A where it all fell apart!" Yep. We hadn't gotten to that lesson yet. For all the fear people have of presenting, the hardest time to have control is during Q&A − when you don't...