Feb 15, 2020 | Feature Articles
Is a correctable accent an issue? And is it worth the effort? If you’ve got a regional or international accent, you’re likely to earn a fifth less than your colleagues with relatively neutral accents, according to research from the universities of Chicago...
Nov 25, 2019 | Feature Articles
“Which came first: the chicken or the egg?” “Do we have free will or is everything predestined?” “Should toilet paper hang to the front or the back of the roll?” Some questions just don’t have a definite answer. Others do. ...
Jun 29, 2019 | Feature Articles
As a long time resident of the area, I suddenly realized that I had no idea how this area got named. I also discovered that no one I knew had any idea either. So I did a little research. Many assume Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the first of the Europeans to tread upon...
Jun 1, 2019 | Feature Articles
When I answer my phone as a public speaking coach and it’s a new potential client, often times within about 30 seconds, the word “fear” comes up, as well as its cousins: “nerves” and “anxiety.” As I’ve talked about in previous articles, for most...
Apr 2, 2019 | Feature Articles
Kids today might not know the theme to the Lone Ranger, what a pen-pal is, or what a phone jack is for, but some concepts do endure. Ask any fourth grader in the U.S. what the Golden Rule is and they will likely say, “Do unto others as you would have them do...
Oct 16, 2018 | Feature Articles
Look around your town and you’ll find an amazing selection of professionals whose expertise is helping you plan: plan your projects, plan your investments, plan your staff development, plan your time allocation. In part, life and business have become so fast paced...