
Promotional Descriptions
team building improv

50 words

“TEAMprovising” creates comfort in interaction and boosts innovation through the fun of improvisation!  While highly entertaining, focus is on developing cooperation skills like: accepting ideas, listening and reacting, building on others’ offers, creating rapport, and handling unexpected obstacles. Heighten the 5 C’s of Teamwork: Creativity, Communication, Cooperation, Community, Commitment.

96 words

“TEAMprovising” creates comfort in interaction and boosts innovation – all using the fun of improvisation!  While highly entertaining, the focus is on developing cooperation skills such as: accepting ideas, listening and reacting, building on others’ offers, creating rapport, and handling unexpected obstacles. Out of the hundreds of improvisation games Milo knows, he’s selected ones that beginners can have a great time with, laughing out loud at the unexpected, often-buried creativity of their co-workers and themselves. But the exercises are more than play, as TEAMprovising supports the Five C’s of Teamwork: Community, Communication, Cooperation, Commitment, and Creativity.

123 words

TEAMprovisingenables groups to gain trust, improve communication, and heighten comfort with one another – all using the fun of improvisation!  While entertaining, the main focus is in developing interpersonal communication skills such as:

  • accepting each other’s ideas
  • sharing focus
  • clear communication
  • ease in dealing with others
  • handling unexpected obstacles
  • listening and reacting
  • taking reasonable risks
  • building on others’ offers
  • leadership
  • creating rapport with clientele

Many other team building courses focus on either fun or trust. TEAMprovising creates both and gives your people and exciting new way to see each other. Every game we play is selected to support our Five C’s of Teamwork to match the other 3 descriptions. Community, Communication, Cooperation, Commitment, and Creativity. Check us out at

Since 2000, hundreds of clients have chosen Milo, including: