Two minute welcome: Milo Shapiro, speaking coach 

  [Note:  “Zoom” online coaching is convenient and highly effective!  Available in San Diego and worldwide]

public speaking

Speak Effectively

Develop skills that will make your material and delivery powerful.

public speaking to audience

Hold Listener Attention

Captivate audiences with your words, tone, ideas, and presence.

public speaking coaching

Master Your Material

Discover new approaches for better organization, rehearsal, and impact.

public speaking transformation

Move Past the Fear

Gain comfort in newfound confidence, transforming anxiety into excitement.

Ready to get started? Click:

See Milo – featured in Forbes!

Forbes Public Speaking Article with Milo Shapiro

Hear from Milo’s past clients:

Ready to share with Milo your speaking concerns?

Convey your message, feeling “Prepared, Polished and Powerful,” to achieve greater success in all live and remote speaking you do

Develop public speaking skills in:

  • Effective wording
  • Easy, controlled pacing
  • Likeability
  • Eye contact
  • Voice usage
  • Body language
  • Using high and low status
  • PowerPoints that fascinate
  • Finding your own natural style
    (no more speaker clones!)
  • Holding attention in Zoom sessions

And in the process, discover how to:

  • Speak off the cuff when need be
  • Build upon what others are saying
  • Brainstorm creatively
  • Find freedom of thought and action

Yes! I want to contact Milo to be the best speaker I can be!

Milo's book on Public Speaking Skills

Public Speaking:
Get A’s, Not ZZZZZZ’s!

You CAN master the skill of public speaking! Laugh your way through Milo’s clever, tip-loaded “Top 10 Lists”. Conquer any fears as you excel in this important tool for success.

See Milo on Channel 9 news before entering the site!

And a few moments from Milo’s keynote program:
“Public Speaking: Get A’s, Not Zzzzzz’s!”

Here’s Milo on the news discussing his #2 Amazon hit on speaking for teenagers:

Ready to be a bold, dynamic speaker with captivating material?
Choose your next step: